Film & Media Camp for Kids and Teens
Maeya Academy team with San Diego International Kids’ Film Festival produce a 7 days filmmaking camp during the Summer school break. Classes are offered in a variety of animation and live action filmmaking techniques for ages 6 to 17. Students will conceive, storyboard, write, shoot, draw, model, create sets, and perform on camera to create a completed short film. . Professional filmmakers and respected critics provide expert instruction in what it takes to understand and create a film. Kids Film Camp has given children who love movies a chance to understand filmmaking from behind the scenes. Instruction includes: • The basics of filmmaking techniques, including camera angles, shots, lighting, sound recording, acting style, screenwriting, storyboarding, and directing. • A foundation in film vocabulary and criticism. • Dozens of hands-on activities, including storyboarding, screenwriting, acting, writing reviews, and making a movie. At the end of the summer camp we invite friends and family to a special graduation ceremony featuring the world premiere of the participants' movies. Additional Benefits: Completion of the summer Kids Film Camp prepares your children for other year-round children's film programs such as: • The Children's Jury of the San Diego International Kids' Film Festival - Selected campers qualify for the prestigious jury of the festival of films for children. Jurors view, critique, and award prizes for the Festival. By invitation only upon completion of Film Camp. • Film Ambassador Program - Selected Film Camp graduates may represent SDIKFF as official delegates at renowned international children's film festivals in China, Italy, Korea, India, and Canada (ages 13-17). • Critical Outlets - Film Camp Alumni contribute movie reviews for publication on the San Diego International kids' Film Festival and Universe Multicultural Film Festival website, in print, and on television
